No one is important in your child's life as you. Therefore we cannot wait to get to know you better and share special moments between the home and school life. We believe that parental involvement is an essential part of our school. We have created many different ways for parents to participate in the education of their child. Parents participate in our many celebrations and special days in the classrooms, such as our annual Mother's day tea and Father-child day. Our school wide events such as Octoberfest, International social, Holiday Celebrations and Playground clean up all benefit from participation of parents. Parents are invited to share their professional expertise and experience with the students whether it is gardening or drumming. Each family receives a monthly copy of Tomorrow's Child magazine specifically published for Montessori parents. We offer 3 parent workshops throughout the year including how to bring Montessori into your home, positive discipline for children and a nutrition workshop on how to cook healthy for your child.